Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Finally, here is the end of the long, exhaustive and pretty much unnecessary list. It was kind of fun though!

76. In case you haven't noticed, I'm a real outside kind of gal. Definitely not a treehugger, hippie or anything like that, but being out in the beauty God created just feeds my soul. At times in my life I've been embarrassed or in denial about the fact that it's who I am, but now I can admit it with pride.
77. However, I hate bugs.
78. Unfortunately, bugs love me, especially mosquitoes, which means I am a very efficient processor of cholesterol. That's what Good Morning America told me.
79. I love dystopian novels, and "The Giver" by Lois Lowry is my favorite book forever.
80. I have a really wonderful husband, even if I don't like calling him that.
81. Every time I, or anyone else in my family, has any kind of health problem, I consult the Mayo Clinic.
82. The best trip I've ever been on was to the Smokey Mountains two springs ago. It was the perfect trip with my family, and we will never be able to recreate it.
83. Technically I had five majors in college: English, Elementary Education, Art, Horticulture and Mass Communication with Journalism concentration. (The Horticulture stint was at a different school and only lasted for three days, because I did not own a cowboy hat or a pair of Wranglers.)
84. I love mushrooms, but not to eat. I just like to look at the magical little creations. The hubs gave me a mushroom doormat for Christmas, and I love it!
85. Mission style furniture/design is my strong preference.
86. I am very much enjoying the Winter Olympics!
87. I've been volunteering in the nursery at church some on Sundays. I have absolutely no experience with babies/kids, and I'm not sure if it makes me want to have some or not.
88. I have the best parents in the world.
89. I feel that I am meant to live out in the country with lots of land, no neighbors, chickens in the front yard and at least a 15 minute drive to the grocery store. We're working on it.
90. It's taken me a week to make this list.
91. I once worked as a Production Assistant for a "Preparedness Minutes" series that was broadcast online for emergency personnel around the state. Or something like that.
92. I have never watched an episode of American Idol, and I don't plan to.
93. I also somewhat secretly love teen science fiction/fantasy novels. This does not include the "Twilight" series (although I have read it), but books like Graceling, The Hunger Games, Eragon, etc.
94. My favorite scent is tea olive (Osmanthus frangrans)
95. I like Publix doughnuts more than Krispy Kreme.
96. Addicted to Publix chicken fingers. They're a Friday night tradition.
97. I don't wear make-up. Not because I have a problem with it or think I don't need it. I just don't.
98. Some days I also "just don't" remember to brush my hair or put on deodorant. Thankfully, it never really matters much.
99. I am a Certified Master Gardener with over 100 volunteer hours completed to date.
100. I'm done!


  1. Awe, thanks! It took a lot of courage for me to start a blog in the first place and especially to write personal stuff like that, but I am really enjoying it so far.

    I can comment on your blog now too and stop just stalking it occasionally! :-) Maybe it shouldn't be this easy to keep up with people, but if it is, we should!
