Tuesday, February 16, 2010


51. I yearn for The Wonder Years. I don't like the people who can't figure out the music rights situation to get it released on DVD.
52. My favorite bands have at one time or the other been (in no particular order): No Doubt, Silverchair, Sublime, Hanson, Weezer, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Smashing Pumpkins and Modest Mouse. I still like most of them.
53. I had a job lined up right after college where I worked for almost a year. It taught me a lot and I got some great experience, but working in an office all day where my only connection to the outdoors was my landscape desktop image, just didn't do it for me, so I quit.
54. My favorite flower is queen Anne's lace.
55. Picking flowers is my favorite.
56. Arranging flowers is my favorite.
57. I was a bridesmaid and the floral designer for my best friend's wedding last May.
58. Napoleon Dynamite is my favorite movie.
59. Two of my cats are named after characters from the above mentioned movie.
60. My other cat is Gus. He was older when we adopted him, so we didn't want to change his name. If we had, it would have been Uncle Rico.
61. I grew up with goats on our farm. My special buddy was Popcorn, and I fed him out of a bottle while he was in bed with me.
62. I realize #61 is probably a little weird.
63. All of our goats were named after food items of some sort.
64. We also had chickens, a turkey named Gertrude, and a rabbit named Ralph. Ralph became Rachel when we realized he was a she.
65. We use Fiestaware every day with all the colors mixed together.
66. I don't own an iron.
67. I enjoy bagging my own groceries.
68. I try to always use reusable bags.
69. I am a quarter of a century old.
70. In the summer, I pretty much wear only t-shirts and brightly colored knit shorts.
71. Some of the t-shirts I still wear are from elementary school. They're all environmental, and my favorite one has the earth surrounded by flower petals on both sides. On the front it says, "They love me," and on the back it says, "They love me not," with one petal plucked off.
72. My bedroom is painted the color, "Stem Cut."
73. I have a part-part-time to part-time job, spring through fall as a plant vendor/merchandiser at a large national home improvement store. I am not employed by the store itself, so I have no set hours or schedule. It's a pretty physical job, but I like that it helps keep me in shape, and I get to be outside, working with plants.
74. I drive a silver Nissan Versa.
75. I am quite fond of chocolate.

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