Tuesday, February 16, 2010


26. My favorite color is purple.
27. I also really, really like green.
28. I accidentally ended up with a pure bred (or almost) wheaten terrier from the Humane Society. Her name is Layla (pictured to the left, in the front). She was recovering from horrible mange and in bad shape when we got her, so we didn't know what kind of dog she was. Wheatens are awesome, but they have extremely long hair that doesn't shed. Her hair's at least 4 inches long right now, and I have to constantly brush it.
29. My other dog is a yellow lab/cocker spaniel mix. She looks like a lab but is on the small side. Her name is Roxanne (also pictured above and to the left), but she was called Bashful at the Humane Society, because she was extremely scared and shy.
30. Yes, both of my dogs were named after the Eric Clapton and Police songs. Which means Roxanne was actually named after a Parisian prostitute. She's OK with that though.
31. Watermelon is my favorite food.
32. I get very attached to small moments.
33. My favorite movie/TV moment of all time is when Ed and Ruthann dance on the mountainside grave he gave her for a birthday present in the Season 3 episode of Northern Exposure, "A-Hunting We Will Go."
34. My husband and I watch the entire Northern Exposure series, which is five seasons every year.
35. I don't like the word husband. Or wife, really.
36. I am a Christian.
37. I love making stained glass, but I don't have the space to do it right now.
38. I graduated from college in 3 years.
39. I wore contacts for about 10 years, but about three years ago, my eyes revolted, and I have to wear glasses now.
40. In the 2nd grade, around the holidays, I was running over to talk to my friend, but the sun blinded me, and I collided with the monkey bars and broke my nose instead.
41. My parents hang the bloody reindeer necklace I made out of popsicle sticks and was wearing at the time of the accident on their Christmas tree every year. It's my favorite ornament.
42. I hate cleaning the house but make myself do it every Friday and before any major vacation or holiday.
43. I prefer mountains to beach.
44. I have one sister-in-law who I consider a good friend and get along with most of the time, unless her favorite past time, looking at houses, is involved.
45. Even though I write about houses and neighborhoods all the time for work, I hate looking at them for recreational purposes.
46. I spend all my extra money on books.
47. I loved AP English in high school and passed the exam at the end of the year, so I didn't have to take Freshman English in college.
48. The only Bs I got in college were in math and chemistry.
49. My favorite college class was Plant Physiology. It was also one of the hardest.
50. In Plant Physiology, I got to make a plant collection that involved digging up native plants, identifying, recording and pressing them. Sometimes I want to make one again, just for fun.

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