Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The ubiquitous first post title, "Hello World!"

I am 110% Introvert, but within that, I have two very different sides, which is where my title comes in. On one hand, I feel most at home while out in nature -- hiking through the woods, picking sunflowers, starting seeds in the greenhouse, pruning roses, taking cuttings of perennials for propagation, and getting dirty, sweaty and gross while doing any of these tasks. I am fortunate enough to be a part of a small family who owns a small farm where all of these desires are filled on a weekly, if not daily, basis.

The other side is very organized and sort of a perpetual student who doesn't really mind writing, researching, interviewing, typing and keeping up with the bookkeeping necessary to run my own freelance writing and editing "business." OK, I'll admit that I loathe the bookkeeping part, but somebody's got to do it, and the only person is me.

I have discovered that neither side works if I do it on a full-time basis, but combining the two sides makes for a nice balance, and many days I go from working with flowers to transcribing interviews in a single day.

Beekeeping, floral design, pets, cooking, baking, photography and reading are other jobs/hobbies that I haven't gotten tired of doing yet, so adventures in those endeavors will also likely be subject to discussion.

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