Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Why I Go for a Walk Every Morning

I'm probably known around my neighborhood as "that lady who walks every morning," which I do, drizzle (not rain) or shine, usually seven days of the week. Before I moved to this neighborhood, I was known as "the girl who walks the dogs," which was also accurate during the years I was in college. I walk in the mornings for many reasons, and it suits me well. Most days I get up, go for a walk, take a shower, eat breakfast, brush my teeth and get to work, wherever that may be, by 8 a.m. (Sometimes I remember to put on deodorant and brush my hair!) Now, I don't go to the gym, lift weights or do aerobics, so don't be too jealous of my "discipline." I know it won't work for everybody, but here are a few of the reasons why I love it so much and would encourage others to start their day with a simple walk.

Go for a walk first thing. And after tending to those personal business tasks everyone must deal with, of course. But I don't even turn on my computer before going outside, because there are so many chores that can very quickly cause stress and give you an excuse not to get out and walk.
Spend some time with nature. Even though I'm walking through a subdivision, I still have beautiful views of the sunrise many mornings, the birds are still singing, the grass is still green and the few trees that are left behind after development still bloom in the spring and blaze in the fall. For me, this time is much more relaxing that going to a gym or walking on the treadmill inside (not that I have one). I often think about the day to come, think up ledes for articles, reflect on accomplishments and think about the future. If you're running on the treadmill while you watch TV, there won't be much time for contemplation.
Help maintain your weight or shed a few pounds. Believe me, I don't jog or run, so it's not a high intensity workout that's going to help you lose 50 pounds. But if you're not used to much physical activity and you start walking for 20 or 30 minutes first thing in the morning, (or anytime) you will probably lose some weight. For me, it's more about maintenance, although shedding 10 pounds wouldn't bother me too much.
Kick your metabolism into high gear. I am not a nutritionist, dietitian or doctor, but I have always read and heard that exercise can help speed up your metabolism. After sleeping, mostly motionless for eight hours, our metabolisms aren't doing much work, so getting out first thing in the morning helps get it going.
Catch some rays. Again, not a doctor, but again, I've always heard that the best way for our bodies to get Vitamin D is from the sun. It's essential to our health and can help put you in a good mood and keep depression at bay. If you're walking in the morning when the sunlight isn't so strong, the effects should be more beneficial than harmful.
De-stress at the end of the day too. I walk my dogs in the afternoons, because their energy and strength help me release any unwanted aggression or stress after a long day, and it always makes me feel better.

Even if work or sleeping schedules don't allow for early morning walks, I think taking a walk outside is always good for the soul. Now, if only I could figure out how to avoid those pesky school buses and kids who always get in my way......

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